2011年3月6日 星期日

week 3. Form making


(original paper in IJDesign)



persuasive design
4. A hierarchy of consumer needs by P. Jordan:

(image from slowdesign.org)
5. Timo Arnall: A form vocabulary for RFID

(retrieved from nearfield.org)

Skål from Timo on Vimeo.



"Forms in various materials invite touch and manipulation"
Retrieved from interactions


siteless book sample page


Retrieved from "Move to get moved"

1. How to design simple forms for rich interaction? (including movement-centric, social interaction, self-expression, etc.)
2. What's the relationship between movement and form? Can we think "movement" without form?
3. What kind of form is suitable for movement?

4. Echoing "tangible interaction = form + computing" by Mark Baskinger and Mark Gross, if "tangibility = movement + form", how can Tangibility be explored?
5. Affordance: restriction or hint?

regarding "functionality" of a music player, pick up 8 representative forms on the above siteless sample page for 8 Effort qualities of LMA

Retrieved from "Move to get moved"

Retrieved from "interactions"

Studio Action 2:
Prepare a A2 poster
collect music players and other inspiring form
make a physical model of a music player
show the picture of this model on poster, and analyze according to LMA
Deadline: 3/22, 2011

1 則留言:

  1. Dear 老師, 助教,

    關於SA2, 我們有些不清楚的地方,想請教一下:

    1. 關於收集來的music player, 其分布的兩軸是任意訂定, 可以不是拉邦動作分析嗎?
    2. music player的數量要求不知道是多少呢?
    3. 收集的music player與自己設計的form是分開兩張A2 poster, 還是放在同一張即可呢?

    謝謝老師與助教回答 :-)

    學生 蕭喬尹留
